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Director's Welcome

[VCUSOM MftD] - Director's Welcome

Director's Welcome

Our residency provides comprehensive training in the medical and surgical care of patients with diseases involving the ears, upper respiratory and aerodigestive tracts and related structures of the head and neck.

To achieve our educational goals, the program provides structured clinical experience in the operating room, inpatient, and outpatient settings, didactic instruction and research training to cover the entire scope of the specialty of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery. We utilize the latest, most innovative technologies and techniques in our program to enrich the educational experience.

We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our graduates who have gone on to subspecialty fellowship training, academic careers, or thriving clinical practices, and we look forward to meeting you on your journey to becoming a confident, compassionate and skilled otolaryngologist.

Kelley Dodson, M.D.

About the Program

Centered at the VCU Medical Center (VCUMC) in downtown Richmond, this five-year training program accepts three residents each year through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). The hospital is home to the busiest Level 1 adult and pediatric trauma center in Virginia, more than 40 operating rooms and more than 100,000 emergency visits per year.

Each resident spends 12 months training at the Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC), located less than 10 miles south of the city. HHMMC has more than 400 acute care beds, and is a tertiary care referral center for oncology, open-heart surgery, spinal cord injury and heart, lung, and liver transplantation for the Mid-Atlantic region. Our faculty and residents run a fully equipped outpatient clinic and state-of-the-art operating rooms for both inpatient and outpatient surgery.

Curriculum and Rotations

The department consists of two services: VCUMC and HHMMC. Two residents (one junior and one senior) are always scheduled to cover HHMC, while the remaining trainees cover the VCUMC service. During the last eight months of each academic year, one resident is assigned to protected research time.


  • Rotations
  • Ear, nose and throat: 6 months
  • Trauma, plastic surgery, STICU, anesthesia, OMFS, radiation oncology: 6 months

Otolaryngology/head and neck surgery residents  spend their first year at VCU gaining exposure to concepts and techniques of medical and surgical disciplines complimentary to otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, training in the pre- and post-operative care of the surgical patient ranging from elective to critically ill and developing fundamental surgical techniques, skills and judgment.


  • Rotations
  • VCU Medical Center: 10 months
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center: 1 month
  • Research: 1 month

PGY-2 residents are primarily responsible for the daily care of service inpatients and emergency room consults, including the initial evaluation of head and neck trauma patients and closure of facial lacerations when the service covers facial trauma call (every third week).

Basic operative procedures covered during PGY-2 include:

  • Myringotomy and tube placement
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Adenoidectomy
  • Excision of simple head and neck masses
  • Repair of complex traumatic lacerations
  • Tracheotomy
  • Endoscopy
  • Turbinate reduction
  • Septoplasty
  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty


  • Rotations
  • VA Medical Center: 6 months
  • Research: 3 months
  • VCU Medical Center: 3 months

During PGY-3, residents cover the outpatient clinic when not operating. More advanced procedures during this year include:

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Excision of neck masses
  • Incision and drainage of deep neck abscesses
  • Local and regional flap reconstruction of head and neck defects
  • Facial fracture repair
  • Laser surgery of the upper aerodigestive tract
  • Myringoplasty


  • Rotations
  • VA Medical Center: 4 months
  • VCU Medical Center: 6 months
  • Community/VCU Medical Center: 2 months

During the second half of the year, PGY-4 residents will perform more intricate procedures, including:

  • Tympanoplasty and tympanomastoidectomy
  • Parotidectomy
  • Laryngectomy
  • Neck dissection
  • Regional and myocutaneous flap repair of complex head and neck defects
  • Repair of complex facial fractures
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Rhytidectomy
  • Evaluation and repair of the pediatric airway
  • Choanal atresia repair
  • Advanced endoscopic sinus surgery


  • Rotations
  • VCU Medical Center otology/pediatrics service chief: 6 months
  • VCU Medical Center head and neck service chief: 6 months

As chiefs, PGY-5 residents assume full responsibility for the service at these institutions. They run daily rounds and, in consultation with the attending physicians, is responsible for all decisions in patient management, surgical or medical. Residents will complete their fifth year capable of performing all procedures within the realm of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery.

Active Internship

Students are welcome to participate in a visiting active internship (AI). For those applicants interested in a visiting AI, please reach out to Pam Calhoun to facilitate the application process.

Research Fellowship

The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery offers a 12-month research fellowship to recent MD graduates. The goal for this fellowship program is to help the Fellow develop knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of research including the basics of research design and data analysis (biostatistics). Additionally, through this experience, the Fellow will learn more about an academic career in Otolaryngology.


Conferences and Courses

The department hosts weekly and annual conferences to provide additional training for residents with a broad background in the basic and clinical sciences relevant to otolaryngology/head and neck surgery.


Life in Richmond

We encourage our trainees to maintain a healthy, balanced life, and Richmond is a wonderful place to engage in that well-rounded lifestyle. As the capital of Virginia since 1779, Richmond attracts students, faculty and staff from around the globe. The city’s location affords easy day trips to destinations like Washington, D.C., Virginia Beach, Colonial Williamsburg and the Blue Ridge Mountains, among others.

As a mid-sized city with a metropolitan population of 1.3 million, Richmond provides stimulating activities while maintaining its intimate feel and unique vibe. Vibrant neighborhoods offer distinct, diverse experiences, with no shortage of art galleries, museums, music venues, restaurants, breweries and parks. For the outdoor enthusiast, you can’t beat the offerings in the city’s riverfront parks and urban wilderness areas such as white-water rafting, hiking, mountain biking and cultural festivals.

Learn about our community

How to Apply

The Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at the VCU School of Medicine accepts two residency applicants each year.

Please submit all materials to the NRMP through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). We review every completed application in detail and offers virtual interviews to provide an opportunity to meet the team and learn more about the department, VCU School of Medicine and Richmond.

If you have questions about our program, the application process or virtual interviews, please contact:

Pam Calhoun
Residency Program Coordinator

Current Residents


Cheryl Yu, M.D.

Cheryl Yu, M.D.

Cheryl Yu, M.D.

Cheryl Yu, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Fremont, CA
Undergraduate: University of California, Davis
Medical School: VCU School of Medicine
Outside Interests: Basketball, snowboarding, running, bingeing Netflix, traveling, trying new restaurants

Thomas Fitzpatrick, M.D.

Thomas Fitzpatrick, M.D.

Thomas Fitzpatrick, M.D.

Thomas Fitzpatrick, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Columbia, SC
Undergraduate: Duke University
Medical School: Wake Forest School of Medicine
Outside Interests: Playing basketball, watching Duke basketball, brewing coffee, running, being outdoors, spending time with my wife and friends.


Sarah Debs, M.D.

Sarah Debs, M.D.

Sarah Debs, M.D.

Sarah Debs, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown : San Jose , CA
Undergraduate : Whitman College
Medical School VCU
Outside interests: Embroidery, pottery, golf, ice-cream, exploring the ocean and woods

Daniel Long M.D.

Daniel Long M.D.

Daniel Long M.D.

Daniel Long M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Beaumont, Texas
Undergrad: Texas A&M University
Medical School: University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine
Outside interest: Loves Texas A&M ,soccer, hiking and camping with his wife and dog

Lawrance Lee M.D.

Lawrance Lee M.D.

Lawrance Lee M.D.

Lawrance Lee M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Linkou, Taiwan (Grew up in Valley Forge, PA)
Undergrad: Washington University in Saint Louis, MO
Medical School: University of Maryland School of Medicine
Outside interest : Singing, Person Audio, Sushi, Horology and playing video games with friends.


Alyssa Calder, M.D.

Alyssa Calder, M.D.

Alyssa Calder, M.D.

Alyssa Calder, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Newington, CT
Undergraduate: Northeastern University
Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine
Outside Interests: Baking, running, hiking, watching UConn basketball, spicy food, interior design/woodworking, and knitting.

Peter Kwak, M.D

Peter Kwak, M.D

Peter Kwak, M.D

Peter Kwak, M.D

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea (grew up in Newton, MA)
Undergraduate: Northwestern University
Medical School: Loyola Stritch School of Medicine
Outside interests: Rock climbing, skiing, exploring new cities and their art museums, travel, collecting points and miles and house/techno music.

Katherine Yu, M.D.

Katherine Yu, M.D.

Katherine Yu, M.D.

Katherine Yu, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Katy, TX
Undergraduate: Rice University
Medical School: McGovern Medical School
Outside interests: baking new recipes, hiking, traveling, exploring restaurants, reading fiction, taking spin classes, concerts and musical theater


David Moffatt, M.D.

David Moffatt, M.D.

David Moffatt, M.D.

David Moffatt, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Waco TX
Undergrad: Baylor University
Medical School: UTMB Galveston
Galveston Residency: General Surgery at Penn State (1year)
Outside interest: Hiking/ outdoor walks with dog and wife, pickleball, lifting weights, running, hosting people over for dinner/board games, playing/watching sports (Go Baylor Bears)

Cinyu Chi, M.D.

Cinyu Chi, M.D.

Cinyu Chi, M.D.

Cinyu Chi, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Yorktown, Va
Undrgrad: College of William and Mary
Med School: EVMS
Outside Interest: Cooking/baking trying new restaurants, hot yoga.

Brendon Warner, M.D.

Brendon Warner, M.D.

Brendon Warner, M.D.

Brendon Warner, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown: Chandler, AZ
Undergrad: Brigham Young University
Med School: University of Arizona College of Medicine- Phoenix
Outside Interests: Volleyball, reading, hiking, spending time with wife and kids.


Bilawal Singh, M.D.

Bilawal Singh, M.D.

Bilawal Singh, M.D.

Bilawal Singh, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Hometown - Innisfil, Ontario
Undergrad - University of Guelph
Medical School - Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Outside Interest- Watching Sports, Playing guitar and Racing Car

Kara Leyden, M.D.

Kara Leyden, M.D.

Kara Leyden, M.D.

Kara Leyden, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Undergrad- Union College
Medical School- Albany Medical College
Outside interest- Baking, Yoga, Watching New York Rangers

Jordan Chappell, M.D.

Jordan Chappell, M.D.

Jordan Chappell, M.D.

Jordan Chappell, M.D.

Department of Otolaryngology

Undergrad- Furman University
Medical School- University of South Alabama College of Medicine
Outside Interest- Reading, Hiking, Exploring New Restaurants and spending time with my puppy